Friday, March 19, 2010

our field trip

Last Friday I went to the “Art Institute of Chicago” with my teacher and classmates on our field trip. It was very great trip, but we were all tire for walking around in the huge museum. It was my second trip there. When we were there, we had to choose three of pictures there that best for us. The pictures what I chose was:
1. Paris street rainy day.
2. Fisherman’s cottage.
3. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

I am going to tell you about this picture. The “Paris street rainy day” was created by Gustave caillebotte. Caillebotte was a lawyer, but after receiving a large inheritance, he decided to pursue painting and horticulture. He finished this picture in1877 and the “Art Institute of Chicago” bought it in 1964 for an undisclosed price. I like this picture because it was about antique time and I need to know more about the past time. This picture is really cool; if you scan at it slowly you will see many different things that might interest you. We could clearly compare the differences between that time from now. The streets were made up of cobble stone and it looks hard to walk a bit, but they used transport with horses. They all used umbrellas because it was raining on that day. On the sidewalk the woman was wearing a long dress and the man was wearing a long coat and top hat. This picture is colorful picture. It interests me of the building are painted with gold color. The sky is very clear. The location, which still exists today, is north of the Saint-Lazare train station. I hope someday I’ll be there.

The “Fisherman’s cottage” was created by Edvard Munch. Edvard Munch was born in 1863 in a rustic farmhouse in the village of Adalsbruk in Loten. The Fisherman’s cottage is so tough to describe what it likes, because its color is only black and white blue. This picture is so dark because it is at night. About this picture there was only white fisherman’s cottage on the shore. It looks boring when you look at it, but the place is full of the nature. The fisherman’s cottage is surrounding by the black tall trees. The sky looks very clear and blue. I am feeling alone when I looked at this picture. What I like about this picture is, in summer we could to the place where near by the river on our vacations and fish there, build some tents, swimming, and playing with the canoes.

A Sunday Afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte was drawn by “Georges Seurat”. It was painted and finished in (1884-1886). Georges Seurat was born in 1857 into a wealthy family in Paris. He was a French painter and draftsman. His most famous painting was “A Sunday Afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte”. This picture is very fashionable, but it is a dreamlike picture. This picture doesn’t look very clearly, but it is colorful picture and pretty bright. It seems summer, because the sun is shining. Everyone loved to be on the surface of island with their pets and hang out with friends. Some people were there for swimming, some people were playing and having picnic. What I like about this picture is, the picture is very stylish. The weather is really good, so I can play there. I can also play guitar under the tree and singing with friends.

I chose these pictures, because the next stage I will have the art class, so I can be prepared for painting and creating the things that we are going to learn in the next stage. These pictures are really significant and by seeing them I am feeling like I understand how to be and artist. I hope these pictures will help me more than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. Htoo Puie,

    THIS IS AN EXCELLENT ESSAY! Unlike most of the students in class, you followed my directions for the essay almost perfectly. The writing shows real effort and improvement. My only concern is that you obviously quoted facts and information from you research without providing proper citations of were you obtained the information. In the future be much more careful about this. You could get accused of plagiarism.

    I really enjoyed having you as a student this past Stage. Please keep me informed of you progress in Stage 4 and keep in touch.
